Finally finishing our oral presentation, it was really good and fresh experience for me to work with my team members and to present such a “proposal” style presentation. I am very delighted that our team overall delivered a good presentation and we get appraised that every one of us improved a lot. One of the strength we possessed is the nice flow and cooperation among us and also we can somehow trigger our audience’s interest to ask various questions at the end of our presentation. Fortunately, we handle all those question calmly. For me as an individual presenter, the overall content and eye communication are well addressed; however, since I was doing the conclusion part, it was not a well-structured conclusion which I need to recap more details about what my co-presenters had presented rather than just the outline of their content.
Generally, I learn a lot from this special experience to give a proposal-based presentation. In order to convert a complicated proposal to a concise and completed presentation really needs abundant work especially in in aspects of comprehending the proposal at a ground level, and coordinating and communicating deeply with group members. Additionally, as stated in the video watched during the last class, to follow the steps of Position/ Proposal/Recommendation is very crucial to deliver a fluent oral presentation. And also, I found an interesting paper which articulates the details of oral presentation skills from the planning part to the end of presentation. Please take a look at this web-link:
hi isabel, firstly thank you for the link.
回复删除i briefly read through it and i think one point that gave me the deepest impression was knowing the purpose of your presentat ion.
For us, it was about selling our 'idea' to the board/class. I felt that you guys did a great job in doing so, which can be seen by the way everyone was actively asking questions. I thought the response was really overwhelming too!
I like how you do your presentations which is very smooth and it shows that you are confident and know your materials well enough.
Keep up the good work :)
Hi Isabel,
回复删除I agree with you that preparation is very important. For example, most of those questions asked by our peers are addressed in our preparation and group discussions. This is important, else we will be very nervous during the QnA session.
I enjoyed working with you and how you contribute different perspective on certain areas where we will tend to overlook after we spend so much time in NUS.